
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cherry French Toast From a Michigan Garden

Yes, we're all hot hot hot these days.  But as Gail says, we're thankful we can water the garden until the rains come again.  In the meantime, how about some Cherry French Toast?
This recipe was recommended by PJ, who visits The Farm every time she's in Springfield.  Here's a little glimpse of her Michigan garden.

 Love this little angel basket garden.

And here's her recipe:

Cherry French Toast
1 loaf of thick-cut bread -- Lay out the bread in a 9 x 13 pan.  PJ kept hers in slices, the picture shows the slices cubed.

Mix together -- 6 eggs, 1 cup half-&-half, 1 1/2 cup milk, 1 t vanilla, 1/2 t nutmeg, and 1/2 t cinnamon.  Pour over the bread.

Sprinkle 1 cup pecans and 1 cup dried cherries  over bread and egg mixture.

Cover well and refrigerate overnight.

Mix 2 T butter, 3/4 cup brown sugar, and 2 T dark karo syrup.  Sprinkle over cherries & pecans.  Bake 350 for 45 minutes without covering.

If you're a Farm visitor and would like to share a recipe and a picture of your garden, leave a comment or e-mail us. 
We'd love to hear from you :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

News from Gail

Just heard from Mark McDonald of "Illinois Stories" - they're gonna air The Farm's story 3 times! Thur @ 7pm, Sun @ 4pm, and Mon @ 6:30pm... yay!!!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Spring 2012

We cannot get over the incredible lushness of the garden this year!  Thanks to the mild winter, our early early EarLy! spring and some good rains--every plant seems fuller, brighter, and more oh-my-gosh beautiful this year. 

 These blue hydrangea are like old friends that return to visit us every summer. Welcome back, friends. . . you're looking good this year!
okay, okay--but you gotta admit the color combo is good :)

 Have you ever tried to photograph a chicken?   They are quick!  These little guys came to us the last week of April and they are loving the coop & run that Eric remodeled for them.
The vine on the fence is bittersweet--it's looking great too.  We can't wait for a super-harvest of mother nature's red-orange-yellow bling to go on the pumpkins!  Well really, we've got lots of summer to enjoy before the fall comes, but it's fun to look forward too. . .
When was the last time the lavendar looked this good??  It's been a while. . .

 The peonies bloomed by the bucket-fuls this spring.  And the season lives on, thanks to the power of air-drying. . .
  The fairy roses outdid themselves--the bundles are filling the ceiling already!   YaY!

 The Loft is becoming very popular with our guests. Eric has been hard at work finishing the downstairs area of the barn and a new tent will be installed in the next few days.  It's wedding season at The Farm!

 Be sure to come out for the Acts II, III, and IV of this season's  mega garden show! Hope to see you soon <3