
Saturday, August 30, 2014


This little birdie looks so happy among the garden tomatoes this morning!  These are jet stars, along with some unnamed cherry tomato type.  We asked the question over on facebook,"What's your favorite tomato?" and the consensus was any kind of tomato fresh from the garden ;) 

These pictures are from a tomato tasting last summer at Meijer Gardens in Michigan.   Gold Medal won the favorite-tasting category.  It should have had the best-fitting name too, shouldn't it?

Grace Lahman's took second place.  Not heard of that one, maybe we should include it on next year's seed list . . .
In this tasting, the  little yellow pear was the least favorite, with one more "least liked" vote than Vintage Wine.  It might have a tough time beating out the heirlooms in taste,  but it sure is cute in a salad.

Most unusual category was "Chocolate Stripes" which also had a good number of votes for favorite tasting too.  Another one for the list of ones to try next year. . .

So what's your favorite tomato from the garden?  Any and all fresh picked?  Or is there an old--or new--favorite?

Here we are end of August.  Did you hear there's a big sale going on in the shop?  And because the calendar says September, we'll be seeing pumpkins and bittersweet pretty soon!

Hope we're seeing you soon too :)