
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Happy Spring to All!

I know it doesn't feel like it, but it's right around the corner - Daylight
Savings starts next Sunday, for goodness sake!

Now, you might think things have been all sleepy here at The Farm – but
you'd be mistaken – we've been busy as bees, transforming the shop into
something completely new for you.  I know you're gonna love it!  Opening day
is Tuesday, March 3.  But since many of you work, (and there's this Big Snow
coming), we decided that we should do something special on Saturday, March
6.  So, we have a gift for the first 15 of 2015 on that day.  Come on out –
we can't wait to see you!

The Farm gals ~
Gail, Cheryl, Jean, Kate, & Kynda