
Meet Our Staff

Barb, Gail, Sue, Cheryl

Ever wonder just who those Farm Gals are?? Well, here's a little scoop from Gail herself . . .
Sue & Barb started at The Farm on same day in 1998. In 1999, Sue introduced & recommended Cheryl. Wow - I can't believe they've been with me for 11/12 years! I'm so blessed!

Of course, all they are all multi-talented, but here's what comes to mind:

--Cheryl is the display whiz - her creativity with making something out of nothing and 're-purposing' is amazing!

--Barbara is definately the work horse of the crew - can't keep up with her - especially in the garden - wow!

--And Sue is our Farm ambassador to be sure. Makes everyone feel as if they've been family forever.

--And then we've been rounded out by Kynda - the Blog Queen - - spreading cheer far and wide!
I love you all!