
Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Kynda, Barb, Gail, Cheryl
What are you doing to make it through these cold dreaming-of-spring January days?   We thought maybe lunch at Panera would be a good way to touch base during this off-season.     We missed Sue and hope she's feeling better!

Gail showed up bearing gifts--an embroidered pillow, an armillary sundial for the garden, and a box of melt-in-your-mouth caramels with the recipe attached.

We know you'll want to see the recipe for these beautiful caramels, so here it is:

Gail's Caramels

1 cup butter
1 lb. (2 1/4 cup) brown sugar
dash salt
1 cup light corn syrup
1 15 oz. can sweetened condensed milk
1 tsp vanilla
1 candy thermometer!

Prepare the pan first.  Line a 7 x 12 glass plan with foil and then butter it.

Melt butter in heavy pan.  Add sugar and salt.  Stir in corn syrup.  Add milk, sitrring constantly.  Cook and stir over medium heat to firm ball stage (245 degrees) 12-15 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Stir in vanilla.  Pour hot caramel in the foil-lined pan and cool completely (overnight in the fridge).

Using a thin, sharp knife, cut into 15 x 5 rows.  These will fit nicely in 4" x 4" pieces of wax paper.  Twist ends.

These are delicious!  And they make such a sweet gift for your friends when you go to lunch :)

1 comment:

  1. oh boy, do those sound good! I might try these. And y'all look good too.
